Fish For Dinner!

The Yukon River is abundant with many kinds of fish. Catching them is one thing, but eating them is a whole other adventure! Try out these fish-based recipes for a charming dinner! Fish is yummy as well as nutritious and presents a win-win situation for our diets. The Yukon River is home to about 44 species of fish, enough for a different dinner every night if you so choose.

Salmon Recipes

Salmon is one of the most popular fish to catch and prepare, and full of Omega-3 oils. This is super-healthy for our bodies.

Grilled Salmon - You can grill a whole salmon or the fillets. Season with olive oil, sea salt, and pepper, and cook over hot coals. It's done in minutes.

Add different fresh herbs such as dill or horseradish and spices like lemon pepper and mustard. Lemon is superb with any kind of fish, as the citrus brings out the flavors.

Make a delicious sauce for your grilled salmon from sour cream, sea salt/pepper, garlic powder, and finely chopped fresh dill. Mix and chill until serving.

Arctic Char from the Yukon River

Arctic Char is similar to salmon; in fact, it's related to salmon (biologically) in appearance and taste, with almost as many healthy oils. The difference? It doesn't die after spawning. Preparing them is easy - they can be baked, grilled, broiled, poached, smoked ... well, you get the idea.

Cover a few arctic char fillets with a paste of olive oil, lemon juice, and garlic (use your blender), on top of that lay down a few sprigs of fresh rosemary, thyme and/or sage. Roast at 450 F for 15-20 minutes or until a meat thermometer registers 130-135 F.

If you have a whole fish, stuff the cavity with fresh herbs - you can use whatever you happen to have on hand. Cooking fish is extremely forgiving! Add some lemon or lime juice or slices, wrap in foil and grill for 10-15 minutes over hot coals.

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Burbot Fish for Dinner

Not really a commonly known fish, but it is a firm, white fish similar to cod and high in those Omega-3 oils that are so important to us. If you're fortunate enough to catch one out of the Yukon River there are some fun recipes for it.

Burbot is a fish known as the 'poor man's lobster' and is delicious served steamed with drawn butter and nothing else. You can also fry it for use in a fish and chips recipes or a fish taco.

You can use Burbot in nearly any recipe that calls for a firm, white fish with success from grill to soup.

Rainbow Trout for Your Health

These fish are packed with nutrients and make for delicious dinners. They are a mild, white fish with a more delicate flesh than the fish listed above. Rainbow trout do not need heavy sauces to be tasteful. A little salt and pepper, some fresh lemon and it's is truly a gourmet's delight on a plate.

Find recipes to prepare fish caught in the Yukon River in cookbooks, magazines or online. Do a search for the word 'recipe' and then the name of the fish you caught, and you'll find more recipes than you know what to do with. Narrow them down by using what you have in your pantry, or what you brought along on your fishing trip.

The Yukon River is teeming with fish. You will not go hungry when camping nearby if you brought your fishing pole. If you find yourself without a formal recipe, almost all fish can be prepared with nothing more than salt and pepper and a little oil. The natural flavor of the fish will shine through when using a minimum of ingredients.

Fish for dinner, prepared in the fresh air of the great outdoors, ranks among the great foods of the world as far as taste goes. Freshly caught fish, right out of the great Yukon River is not only great-tasting, but good for you. Collect a few recipes to easily prepare on your next fishing or camping trip.